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Friday 5 March 2021

STD 12 UNIIT 2 " Unforgettable walt Disney"

                   Short note 

(1)Unforgettable Walt Disney 
(2)Successful journey of Walt Disney 

                   The life of Walt Disney  the creator of Mickey mouse and Disneyland has been described here. Walt Disney was a genius man for writers and producers. He was very kind and warm personality for his movie viewers. He was an amazing kind brother for Roy Disney. While struggling his two companies "A little Animated cartoon company" and "Alice in cartoonland" were flopped. His another series "Oswald - the rabbit " was also copyrighted by a distributor. He studies cartooning in Chicago and earned his first money through  the picture of neighbour's horse. His first successful product was Mickey Mouse. Mickey mouse created the history and got billions  of views. He built a new kind of "Disneyland" and changed the fortune of Disney. He was never affected by success but always remained the simplest man. He had ability to turn impractical dreams into reality. the night before he died he was full of plans for future as he had been always in his whole life.

For further understanding of unit click on this given link.

Can You Install Love ?

STD 12, UNIT 1 
                                                                     Short note 

1) Positive effects of love
2) The condition for making love.
3)Can you install love?
                           This is a lovely passage about Intalling love in the heart. The customer service representative is helping the customer to install love. It is not about  Intalling any program in computer. It is about how to have love in our heart. To install love,  one has to remove some feelings like, GRUDGES and RESENTMENT by invoking FORGIVENESS. One has to have a directory called ' ' in her heart. To install love, one has to delete  'SELFCRITIC' from her heart. One needs to being connecting to other hearts in order  to get upgrades. One has to love herself before loving other. If the heart is filling up with really neat files. It can show SMILE, WARMTH,  PEACE and CONTENTMENT on the face. Love is freeware. We have to be sure to give it and its various modules to everybody you meet. They will in return gi e you love.

If you want to look back towards entire unit then go through this video.