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Saturday 23 December 2017

Can technology replaced with the teacher?

       Here is blog link of given task

                                                          Technological classroom

                                                      Traditional classroom

           21st century is known as the century of the knowledge, and this knowledge how to construct in a proper way it was became most important. In this century people became more techno-friendly and use technology in every filed. First technology is come in company than it is come in classroom. We have question that can technology replaced with teacher? So we can give its answer in various ways. If we say yes, than it became possible that the number of people taking online courses and therefore using technology as a tool to enhance their education has increased dramatically. You can now master a foreign language or complete a whole degree without leaving your comfort zone. So here we can say that technology makes us ready for self learning. We can learn from Google anything but when we not understand the meaning from the Google’s answer than teacher’s guidance became more helpful to understand the thing. Technology is not disturbance but it helps us to become multitasking. We manage the various things at the same time. For example, in the app Coursera we can do many courses at the same time. People was thinking that we cannot do various course at the same time but now it was became possible because of the technology. So here we can say that traditional mindset of the people was breaking down in technological uses. Because of technology we became self learner.

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