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Monday 25 December 2017

Talking to a teacher - English learning video.



      Excuse me professor, I am sorry I don’t have my homework today. You usually turn in your homework in time. What happened this time? I wasn’t feeling well. Well what happened to you? I had a terrible headache. How are you feeling now? It’s much better. I will do yesterday’s homework along with today’s okay. Take care. 

                                        Submitting assignment.

           Professor, can I submit my assignment today? Today?, But there are 5 day left to the deadline. I know, but I’ve already finished it. Hmmm… is that so? Did you check it for errors? Well no… Not really. Why don’t you read it once more then and see if there are any errors. Submit the assignment tomorrow if it’s fine. Thanks. I will do that professor.

                                         Getting assignment.

           This week’s assignment is a 1500 word essay on the economic situation. Professor, can we use illustration in the essay? Well, that’s an unusual request. I suggest you only use words. Okay. No problems. Remember you’ll be graded for the essay in your internal review. Sure. I will do my best to prepare a great essay.

                                     Asking for special classes.

        Good morning professor. May I come in? Yes, good morning. How is your football practice going?. There is a problem as my mother is not happy about my missing classes. She thinks my studies will suffer. Well, in that case what do you propose to do? I am very eager to play this tournament. I wonder if I can take some extra classes after school to make up for the lost time? Yes, it can be done. I can give you half an hour after school every day. Thank you so much. I appreciate this.  


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