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Wednesday 31 January 2018

The Sage of Tarun giri and Seven Old Seekers by Manoj Das.



      Manoj Das, being a Indian Writer, given a picture of Indian personalities. The story “The Sage of Tarun giri and Seven Old Seekers” deals with seven friends own lives and their problems.

        This is a story about a mysterious sage and his seven selfish old seven who seek his blessings to overcome the worries and anxieties of their life. The old bearded sage Tukan Baba weeps all the time and lives in a lonely cave. He comes out of his cave only on full moon nights. Hi disciple Medhananada has the mystic faith that whoever touches the feet of this spiritually enlighten sage in that blessed moon light night and seeks his blessings their all desires are fulfilled. The seven old man are convinced and there for make all the preparation to collect the blessing from Tukan Baba comes out smiling instead of weeping a rare occasion in a gap of twenty years. They miss the chance to seek the blessing for their material attitude and foolishness.

           Meanwhile Baba goes back in to the cave and the seekers in their dismay they forgotten to touch his feet and as a result they entreat Medhananada his trusted disciple that Baba should appear to them once again. In spite of Medhananada refuse that Baba would never come back again. These old egoistic materialists try to enter in the cave forcibly. After then a ferocious roar listen on the hill and what shown like pair of stars inside the dark trunked seemed to grow closer to them and of extreme fear they bounced back and rolled down the hill. 
         Through this story we come across two important things, one is mysticism and another occultism. There is a spiritual word beyond the rich of ordinary mortal and nobody can enter in to it unless he/she has purified his heart or developed his soul. The seven old seekers are great materialist and are ignorant of the ways of the sages. Baba’s weeping or smiling is too mysterious thing for them to understand so, they fail and have to wait for another twenty years during which they can be a lot of change in them to attain the spiritual bliss.