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Monday 1 January 2018

Education, Technology and ELT

Hello reader,  

This blog is part of my classroom activity of unite three language laboratory.

Video – 1: Changing Education paradigms – Sir Ken Robinson

 In this video sir ken Robinson talks about changing paradigms of education. Every country on the earth at the movement is reforming public education. There are two reasons for it.

:    Economy: For that people has trying to work out how do we educate our children to take their place in the economics of the 21st century.

          Culture: Every culture try to figure out how do we educate our children.

In education there are two types of people, 1) Academic and 2) Non-academic. Many kids have not purpose for them going to the school, so they reach in collage and get college degree. They have degree but it has not guarantee of job. In which he discussed various ideas like Divergent Thinking and Collaborative learning. Divergent thinking is the same like creativity. Creativity is the process of having original ideas that have value. Divergent thinking isn’t synonym but essential capacity for creativity. Sir Robinson did one research – Longitudinal test on various age group people like KG to 13-15 age groups and fined their thinking capacity. In divergent thinking multiple answered was there. 

Video – 2: Build a school in the cloud by – Sugata Mitra:

In this video Sugata Mitra talks about future of learning. British Empire is the biggest empire in the world. They created a global computer med up of the people. It called the bureaucratic administrator mission. They produced another mission the school. The school produced people who then become parts of bureaucratic administrative mission. They must know three things,

1)    They must have good handwriting, because that time is handwriting and all data in handwritten document.
2)    They must be able to read
3)    They must be able to doing multiplication, division, addition and subtraction in their head.

Because of technology people work anywhere they won’t, whenever they won’t. Present day schooling preparing for that world. He has experiment on slum children in Delhi like “Hall in wall”. In which he put his computer in slum area and he found that slum children learn faster than any children and they also taught their elder. He did same thing at various places and he found that in a 9 months group of children left alone with a computer in any language they rich the same standard of the office sectors in the west. So by this experiment he prove that not only reach children know knew thing or knowledge about technology but if we provide that kind of facility to slum children they also do good work.

Video -3: The future of learning by – Sugata Mitra

      In this video Sugata Mitra talks about traditional education system and modern education system. In traditional education system good handwriting and write down carefully is most important. It was run for several years even though first printing press was not established. In oral tradition of education system to sit down, do not talk, paid attention, listen carefully and remember carefully what you listen this all thing are became important. In modern education technology gives us broader way of looking.   

Video-4: Reinvent education – Salman Khan:

In this video Salman Khan talks about how and why he created the remarkable Khan academy, a carefully structured series of education.  It is constructed on the idea of flip learning. Here he talks about how we learn from technology. He posted his video for his cousin on YouTube for his cousin’s solving problem and then he got feedback from other student. So he keep started posting video on YouTube because student can access knowledge from anywhere. He said that students can learn better from the video rather than from books and teachers can use technology in classroom not taught just traditional way. He show the power of interactive experiences, and talks for teachers to consider flipping the traditional classroom script and give students video lectures to watch at the home and do homework in the classroom with teacher available to help. 


Video – 5: Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants by – Marc Prensky 

           In this audio Marc Prensky talks about Digital native and Digital Immigrants. Today’s student represents the first generations to grow up with this new technology. They have spent their entire lives surrounded by and using computers, videogames, digital music players, video games, cell phones, and all the other toys and tools of the digital age. So this student, who was born in the 21st century they get readily technology so they known as digital native. Computer games, email, the Internet, cell phones and instant messaging are integral parts of their lives. Digital immigrants mean those people who were not born in a time when technology was not readily available to use it. They believe that their students can’t learn from watching TV and playing video games which suggests the traditional mindset of digital immigrant while digital natives have laptops rather than books in their libraries.
 Our students have changed radically. Today’s students are no longer the people our educational system was designed to teach.”

 Digital Native is different from their predecessor not only in clothes and test of food but also in language and technology. Technology has become the integral part of their lives.

Video 6: David Crystal: The Effect of New Technologies on Engish: 

      In video David Crystal talks about the effect of new technology on English language. Think about past technology, in 15th century medium of printing come. So suddenly we have new verity of language. We have news also news paper, so in the style of the news paper had-line, cartoon, caption, additional this all things became important in the news paper. In 19th century development of the telephone became most important invention of this century. Before this people not know how to use telephone. In 20th, century, in 1920 broadcasting come and then in 1990 internet took place in the global world. Now Google gives whatever answered you need. Slowly and staidly teacher should became multitasker because now student have internet and know the answer that’s why teacher should became ready for this digital time. Through the development of the face book people know about the world within 24 hour.

Video – 7: David Crystal: The Biggest Challange for English Language Teachers in the times of Internet: 


         In this video David Crystal talks about ‘the biggest challenge for English language teacher in the times of internet. In 21st century so fat language is changes. It changes for two reason first, internet language (face book, blog etc…) which moving faster and faster. Second is Globalization (television, movie) in which English became important language. Teacher is respect for tradition action for taught English language. If learner is improve listening comprehension and reading comprehension so they learn English very well. People choose American and British English and people who are choose for own way of like African, Indian, south English studies. There are most difficult two jobs in the world that are,
1)   Transpiring and interpreting
2)   Language teaching
Teachers job are not easy because they get job that study southern English.  Because of Google teacher’s job will be easy.

Video- 8 David Crystal: Texting is 'Good' for English Language: 




       Here in this video David Crystal is talks about texing and importance of the text massages. For that he invented theory which called “Texting is good for English language”. Texting is a kind of language is studied by linguistics. As per he said that texting is a kind of language. Texting first start in the late 19th century so before this there is no discussion about it. Texting start with the invention of the mobile phone.    




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