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Tuesday 27 February 2018

Hamlet: by Shakespeare

Hamlet, (The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark) is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare at an uncertain date between 1599 and 1602. Set in Denmark, the play dramatists the revenge Prince Hamlet is called to wreak upon his uncle,Claudius, by the ghost of Hamlet's father, King Hamlet. Claudius had murdered his own brother and seized the throne, also marrying his deceased brother's widow. So in this play Prince Hamlet won’t to tack revenge of his father’s murderer and marriage of his mother with his uncle.

Hamlet is Shakespeare's longest play, and is considered among the most powerful and influential works of world literature. It is translated  almost in every language of the world.

Character Chart:


Prince Hamlet is depressed. Having been summoned home to Denmark from school in Germany to attend his father's funeral, he is shocked to find his mother Gertrude already remarried. The Queen has wed Hamlet's Uncle Claudius, the dead king's brother. To Hamlet, the marriage is "foul incest." Worse still, Claudius has had himself crowned King despite the fact that Hamlet was his father's heir to the throne. Hamlet suspects foul play.

When his father's ghost visits the castle, Hamlet's suspicions are confirmed. The Ghost complains that he is unable to rest in peace because he was murdered. Claudius, says the Ghost, poured poison in King Hamlet's ear while the old king napped. Unable to confess and find salvation, King Hamlet is now consigned, for a time, to spend his days in Purgatory and walk the earth by night. He entreats Hamlet to avenge his death, but to spare Gertrude, to let Heaven decide her fate.

Hamlet vows to affect madness — puts "an antic disposition on" — to wear a mask that will enable him to observe the interactions in the castle, but finds himself more confused than ever. In his persistent confusion, he questions the Ghost's trustworthiness. What if the Ghost is not a true spirit, but rather an agent of the devil sent to tempt him? What if killing Claudius results in Hamlet's having to relive his memories for all eternity? Hamlet agonizes over what he perceives as his cowardice because he cannot stop himself from thinking. Words immobilize Hamlet, but the world he lives in prizes action.
In order to test the Ghost's sincerity, Hamlet enlists the help of a troupe of players who perform a play called The Murder of Gonzalo to which Hamlet has added scenes that recreate the murder the Ghost described. Hamlet calls the revised play The Mousetrap, and the ploy proves a success. As Hamlet had hoped, Claudius' reaction to the staged murder reveals the King to be conscience-stricken. Claudius leaves the room because he cannot breathe, and his vision is dimmed for want of light. Convinced now that Claudius is a villain, Hamlet resolves to kill him. But, as Hamlet observes, "conscience doth make cowards of us all."

In his continued reluctance to dispatch Claudius, Hamlet actually causes six ancillary deaths. The first death belongs to Polonius, whom Hamlet stabs through a wall hanging as the old man spies on Hamlet and Gertrude in the Queen's private chamber. Claudius punishes Hamlet for Polonius' death by exiling him to England. He has brought Hamlet's school chums Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to Denmark from Germany to spy on his nephew, and now he instructs them to deliver Hamlet into the English king's hands for execution. Hamlet discovers the plot and arranges for the hanging of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern instead. Ophelia, distraught over her father's death and Hamlet's behavior, drowns while singing sad love songs bemoaning the fate of a spurned lover. Her brother, Laertes, falls next. 

Laertes, returned to Denmark from France to avenge his father's death, witnesses Ophelia's descent into madness. After her funeral, where he and Hamlet come to blows over which of them loved Ophelia best, Laertes vows to punish Hamlet for her death as well.
Unencumbered by words, Laertes plots with Claudius to kill Hamlet. In the midst of the sword fight, however, Laertes drops his poisoned sword. Hamlet retrieves the sword and cuts Laertes. The lethal poison kills Laertes. Before he dies, Laertes tells Hamlet that because Hamlet has already been cut with the same sword, he too will shortly die.Horatio diverts Hamlet's attention from Laertes for a moment by pointing out that "The Queen falls."

Gertrude, believing that Hamlet's hitting Laertes means her son is winning the fencing match, has drunk a toast to her son from the poisoned cup Claudius had intended for Hamlet. The Queen dies.
As Laertes lies dying, he confesses to Hamlet his part in the plot and explains that Gertrude's death lies on Claudius' head. Finally enraged, Hamlet stabs Claudius with the poisoned sword and then pours the last of the poisoned wine down the King's throat. Before he dies, Hamlet declares that the throne should now pass to Prince Fortinbras of Norway, and he implores his true friend Horatio to accurately explain the events that have led to the bloodbath at Elsinore. With his last breath, he releases himself from the prison of his words: "The rest is silence."

The play ends as Prince Fortinbras, in his first act as King of Denmark, orders a funeral with full military honors for slain Prince Hamlet.

Monday 26 February 2018

The Purpose play by T. P. Kailasam

About Author:


Tanjore Paramasiva Kailasam (T. P. Kailasam) was a prominent  play writer of Kannada Literature. He was born on 29 July, 1886 in Mysore. He was became Father of the Kannada play because of his humor. He wrote many play like,

The Fulfillment
Karna: The Brahmin’s Curse
The Burden
The Purpose etc..

About the play: 

The play purpose is based on one event from Mahabharata.  This play is deals with the less popular mythical character of Eklavya, from the Mahabharata. In this play character of Eklavya was at the center or in the Mahabharata character of Arjuna became central character so the same story T. P. kailasam re- tale with the marginalized character Ekalavya. In this play Kailasm deconstructed the image of Arjuna and made him villain and here Eklavya became the main protagonist. 

In this play T. P. Kailasm portrait the subaltern society. Protagonist of the play belong to Nishada community, this the lower community in the society. Subaltern people has not their own voice or not speak againint high power people but here we find the character of Eklavya is argued with the Arjuna. So in this play we see the class conflict very clearly.

Eklavya want to learn archery from Guru Dronacharya but Drona can’t teach him because he was bounded by vow that can no teach any other lower boy except royal boy. So after rejoice from guru Drona Eklavya maid his Guru’s statue and learn archery from them. After six years later Drona and Arjuna goes in the forest, suddenly they show a Woolf with screaming arrows in it’s skulls. Guru Drona and Arjuna both are shocked and later they known that, this was don by Eklavya. They also show the statute of Guru Drona so after seeing the the statue of Drona Arjuna insult Drona. So Drona ask his thumb as gurudakshina.  Without hesitating  Eklavya give his thumb t his Guru as Grurudakshina.

Thank you…

Saturday 24 February 2018

Padmaavat Movie Review:


Padmaavat movie is release in 2018. It is Indian epic period drama film. This movie was highly controversial movie of this year.

Directed by
Sanjay Leela Bhansali
Produced by
·         Sanjay Leela Bhansali
·         Sudhanshu Vats
·         Ajit Andhare

Written by
·         Sanjay Leela Bhansali
·         Prakash Kapadia

Based on
 Malik Muhammad Jayasi

Deepika Padukone
Shahid Kapoor
Ranveer Singh

Trailer of the movie.

  Padmaavat Movie’s story line: 


              Rani Padmaavati, the wife of Maharawal Ratan Singh (Shahid Kapoor), is known for her beauty and velour in 13th century India. She captures the fancy of the reigning Sultan of Delhi, the tyrant Alauddin Khilji (Ranveer Singh), who becomes obsessed with her and goes to great lengths to fulfill his greed.

            Plot of the movie was Based on a Sufi poem of the same name written in 1540 by Malik Muhammad Jayasi.  Sanjay Leela Bhansali has added his own flair and interpretation into movie ‘Padmaavat’ and giving it a fairy-tale sheen. This makes all the controversy pointless, and pale in comparison to the spectacle that unfolds. This movie was based on historical event and history has no fact because it has not such evidence. History is also the self delusion of the defeated. Because of this movie based on history it was became highly controversial.

            In this movie shown many religious aspect like jauhar, it is the Hindu ritual where women threatened by rape or enslavement set themselves on fire. In this movie Khilji highly attracted towards beauty of Padamaavati but he never see her, he only herd about her beauty, so he has deep desire to get this woman. Latter on he attacked on the castle of Mevad and at the end he was win. Even though he win, he has nothing to get because Rani Padmaavati do the Jauhar. So in short story line of the movie is so simple but effect of camera and acting of star is more glorious.

Thank you…

Friday 23 February 2018

Online Discussion: Pehredaar Piya ki.


“Pehredaar Piya Ki” serial is directed by Shashi Sumeet productions. This serial is broadcasted in Sony T.V.  Nowadays this  show is more controversial in the society because of its story.

Storyline of this serial is that the19 year young girl marry with 9 year little boy after his parents death for protect him towards his own evil family member. Different of both characters ages is problematic in this show. One is 19 year old and anther is only 9 year old child. We have see so many things happen after coming of this serial. Many people request to ban this serial because of theme of child marriage. It is not come first time in television it has come so many time for example serial ‘Gulal’ (come on star plus). In this serial also show child marriage between Gulal and kesar in cage of ‘Diyar vattu.’ It was not problematic in that serial so way in this serial it is more problematic? Here in this serial we find that Diya become protector of Ratan from their family member. Before so many years we have see that old man (may be 30 – 40 year old) marry with small girl (19 – 20 year old) for their protection. So may be maker of this serial has won’t to show anther view point and also they want to change the thinking of stereo type mindset people. I have not supporter in this show is ether progressive or regressive.

Online Discussion on Psychological Advantages of Literature

Hello readers,

This blog is a part of my classroom online discussion activity. 

Click here to read four Psychological Advantages of Literature.

 My response on it.  
Yes, All the four advantages are right or appropriate. Literature is the most important tool which helps us in shaping our lives. I agree with all four point.

(1) It save you time.                                      
literature is a medium through which we can experience all impossible thing. Some time we feel that it is west of time,or it is only for time pass but it is not for time pass. Some event or literature Changing the life and it is shape life very well. So it is save time not west time.

(2) It makes you nicer
Literature makes us feel empathy towards other and it develops as kind of feeling of forgiveness in us literature deeply stands opposed to the dominant value system.

(3) It's a care for loneliness
Many time we are alone in crowd because our failure not understand others. In the literature can help us to come out of our loneliness.

(4) It prepares you four failure.
A lot of literature Is also about failure in one or another way. When we have feel some kind of failure, at that time the great literature help's us a lot. Many novel, plays, poem are also change the life.

Thursday 22 February 2018

Online Discussion: Huxley vs Orwell: Dystopian Truth in Post-truth era

Hello reader,

This blog is part of my classroom online discussion on Huxley vs Orwell: Dystopian Truth in Post-truth era.

Click here to show worksheet of given task.



      It is said that Literature is mirror or x-ray image of society, but it is not only the time in which written but the time that is hidden in future. Literature reflects not only good thing but it also reflect dark side of society in which we have leave.

      These two books Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World"(1931) and George Orwell's "Nineteen eighty four"(1949) are such literary text because they reflect our contemporary time. Though they were written more than five decades ago. In both the novel world are controlled by some powerful people. Here the current topic of Donald Trump compare with both the novel.  Trump's politics are affect the people and people's condition become like pupate. This thing also happen in the Orwell's book. Both novel gives us today's world image in which world are control by people who are in power.  

Online Discussion Post-Truth

To see worksheet of given task click here.

Definition of post truth:

“Relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief”.

The post – truth era is about dishonesty and deception in contemporary life. At one time we had truth and lies. Now we have truth, lies, and statements that may not be true but we consider too benign to call false. In the post – truth era border blur between truth and lies, honesty and dishonesty, fiction and nonfiction. Post – truthfulness builds a fragile social edifice based on wariness.It erodes the foundation of trust that underlies any healthy civilization.

This term is very much relevant to politics. According to observation by ‘Kathleen Higgins post truth refers to blatant lies being routine across society and it means politicians use this technique and they lie without condemnation. This can explain the current political situation in the United States and elsewhere. The compound of word Post – truth exemplifies an expansion in the meaning of the prefix post.

Language Lab Review

Hello readers,

This blog is a part of my classroom activity on Language lab software. 
To show worksheet of given task click here.


What is a language lab?        
Modern language labs are known by many names, digital language lab, multimedia language lab, language media center and multimedia learning center to name but a few. View the video and read the text below to learn more.

Language Lab means, "A classroom in which students learning a foreign language can practice sound and word patterns individually or under supervision with the aid of audio equipment"


History of the language laboratory:

The middle of the 20th century was an exciting time for foreign language study in the United States. During World War II, the army created the Army Specialized Training Program (ASTP) to provide education to officers with strategic wartime skills, including foreign language proficiency. Following the scholarly opinion among linguists of the day, who believed that language was acquired through habit, the ASTP taught language primarily through oral drills. As the ASTP spread to institutions of higher education throughout the country, the army developed audio discs in dozens of languages. (Kitao)


The word ‘laboratory’ originated in the late 15th century. It refers to a specific structure or a room for mixing chemicals and preparing medicines by science experts. Scientists used to follow structured steps to perform their experiments and research purpose. Through the Language lab we are being four skills master and that are the Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. Language laboratory also played an important role in the language learning process. Language lab is a class of English language learning where teaching learning process happens computers and other technical support. For language learning students individually use a computer which is connected with a server. 

Advantages of language lab:

            There are many advantages of the language lab, that are… 

1)A Language lab is more practical.
2) Student learn much faster in the language lab software
3) Use of more resources and varied activities than in the traditional classroom.
4) Language lab allow for diversity in the classroom
5) Lab foster communication in the classroom
6) Able to test listening and speaking skill.
7) It helped to learn LSRW skill in a batter way.
8) With the help of  language lab we develop our proper pronunciation.
9) Vocabulary development
10) Tenses, active – passive and module auxiliaries can be improved with right structure of sentences. 

Disadvantages of language lab

1)Students did not have enough time in quarter system
2) Students need to study reading most.
3) Student heard many noise in the earphones so sometime student get bored in Learning language.
4) Without the Language lab student also increased the batter grade.
5) It is become little bit boring because it tack more time when some  software do not support properly.

Past, present, future of language laboratory:


In 1950s, language laboratories were established to provide language training with advanced technology for language learners. In early history, phonographs, (a kind of record player) was used to record sound and became a tool for teaching foreign languages in the nineteenth century. The first of them was established at the University of Grenoble in 1908. There were many innovations developed in this period that are includes the transistor portable radio in 1954, the stereo LP in 1958, the compact audio-cassette, the first home Sony video tape recorder in 1963, and Dolby Noise Reduction in 1968. This all invention become most important to learn Language laboratory very effectfully.


Since 1950s, language laboratories have been developed. The old-style language labs that a teacher arranged the listening practice allowed with a hard-wired analogue tape deck based systems with 'sound booths' in fixed locations that are become outdated. During 2001-2007, portable music players became a great achievement of language laboratories. At that time language learning through podcast became more significant. It is similar to listening to radio or watching a TV show. In a language classroom, students can be both learners and also producers. A teacher can simply record his/her teaching and upload. Those who miss that class or want to review the lecture can download the lecture podcasts for later listening on their computers or mobile devices. MP3s players are now available at low prices while PCS, laptops, tablets or smart mobile phones are common devices usually owned by most students. When podcasts are made available on the Internet, the teacher can direct their learners to them for self-study purposes or even use them for listening in class via a computer.


In future language learning happen with the electronic media or e-media. e-Learning will undoubtedly be with EFL management, it is very difficult to say what the labs in the future EFL classes will be like. In fact the question is whether language laboratories will exist. Observing the trend, media in EFL learning can be supported and delivered with digital technology rather than from physical language labs. 

Thank You

Works Cited


Khampusaen, Dararat. "Past, Present and Future: From Traditional Language Laboratories to Digital Language Laboratories and Multimedia ICT Suites." n.d. 21 February 2018. <>.

Kitao, Kenji. The History of Language Laboratories Origin and establishment. n.d. 21 February 2018. <>.


Tuesday 20 February 2018

Gulliver's Travel by Jonathan Swift


    The novel Gulliver’s Travel is written by Jhonathan Swift. This novel is the misanthropic satire on Humanity. In this book swift uess the journy as the backdrop for his satire. The original title of the book is “Travels in to several Remote nation of the world”. This novel was in form of prose satire and also devided in to four voyages.


Gulliver's Travels is an adventure story and it involving several voyages of Lemuel Gulliver, a ship's surgeon, who, because of a series of mishaps en route to recognized ports, ends up, instead, on several unknown islands living with people and animals of unusual sizes, behaviors, and philosophies, but who, after each adventure, is somehow able to return to his home in England where he recovers from these unusual experiences and then sets out again on a new voyage.
Book 1:  Voyage to Lilliput 
When the ship Gulliver is traveling on is destroyed in a storm, Gulliver ends up on the island of Lilliput, where he awakes to find that he has been captured by Lilliputians, very small people — approximately six inches in height. Gulliver is treated with compassion and concern. In turn, he helps them solve some of their problems, especially their conflict with their enemy, Blefuscu, an island across the bay from them. Gulliver falls from favor, however, because he refuses to support the Emperor's desire to enslave the Blefuscudians and because he "makes water" to put out a palace fire. Gulliver flees to Blefuscu, where he converts a large war ship to his own use and sets sail from Blefuscu eventually to be rescued at sea by an English merchant ship and returned to his home in England.
Book II: Voyage to Brobdingnag
 As he travels as a ship's surgeon, Gulliver and a small crew are sent to find water on an island. Instead they encounter a land of giants. As the crew flees, Gulliver is left behind and captured. Gulliver's captor, a farmer, takes him to the farmer's home where Gulliver is treated kindly, but, of course, curiously. The farmer assigns his daughter, Glumdalclitch, to be Gulliver's keeper, and she cares for Gulliver with great compassion. The farmer takes Gulliver on tour across the countryside, displaying him to onlookers. Eventually, the farmer sells Gulliver to the Queen. At court, Gulliver meets the King, and the two spend many sessions discussing the customs and behaviors of Gulliver's country. In many cases, the King is shocked and chagrined by the selfishness and pettiness that he hears Gulliver describe. Gulliver, on the other hand, defends England. One day, on the beach, as Gulliver looks longingly at the sea from his box (portable room), he is snatched up by an eagle and eventually dropped into the sea. A passing ship spots the floating chest and rescues Gulliver, eventually returning him to England and his family.
Book III: Voyage to Laputa 
Gulliver is on a ship bound for the Levant. After arriving, Gulliver is assigned captain of a sloop to visit nearby islands and establish trade. On this trip, pirates attack the sloop and place Gulliver in a small boat to fend for himself. While drifting at sea, Gulliver discovers a Flying Island. While on the Flying Island, called Laputa, Gulliver meets several inhabitants, including the King. All are preoccupied with things associated with mathematics and music. In addition, astronomers use the laws of magnetism to move the island up, down, forward, backward, and sideways, thus controlling the island's movements in relation to the island below (Balnibarbi). While in this land, Gulliver visits Balnibarbi, the island of Glubbdubdrib, and Luggnagg. Gulliver finally arrives in Japan where he meets the Japanese emperor. From there, he goes to Amsterdam and eventually home to England.
Book IV: The land of Houyhnms
While Gulliver is captain of a merchant ship bound for Barbados and the Leeward Islands, several of his crew become ill and die on the voyage. Gulliver hires several replacement sailors in Barbados. These replacements turn out to be pirates who convince the other crew members to mutiny. As a result, Gulliver is deposited on a "strand" (an island) to fend for himself. Almost immediately, he is discovered by a herd of ugly, despicable human-like creatures who are called, he later learns, Yahoos. They attack him by climbing trees and defecating on him. He is saved from this disgrace by the appearance of a horse, identified, he later learns, by the name Houyhnhnm. The grey horse (a Houyhnhnm) takes Gulliver to his home, where he is introduced to the grey's mare (wife), a colt and a foal (children), and a sorrel nag (the servant). Gulliver also sees that the Yahoos are kept in pens away from the house. It becomes immediately clear that, except for Gulliver's clothing, he and the Yahoos are the same animal. From this point on, Gulliver and his master (the grey) begin a series of discussions about the evolution of Yahoos, about topics, concepts, and behaviors related to the Yahoo society, which Gulliver represents, and about the society of the Houyhnhnms.

Despite his favored treatment in the grey steed's home, the kingdom's Assembly determines that Gulliver is a Yahoo and must either live with the uncivilized Yahoos or return to his own world. With great sadness, Gulliver takes his leave of the Houyhnhnms. He builds a canoe and sails to a nearby island where he is eventually found hiding by a crew from a Portuguese ship. The ship's captain returns Gulliver to Lisbon, where he lives in the captain's home. Gulliver is so repelled by the sight and smell of these "civilized Yahoos" that he can't stand to be around them. Eventually, however, Gulliver agrees to return to his family in England. Upon his arrival, he is repelled by his Yahoo family, so he buys two horses and spends most of his days caring for and conversing with the horses in the stable in order to be as far away from his Yahoo family as possible.

Thank you…