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Monday 26 February 2018

The Purpose play by T. P. Kailasam

About Author:


Tanjore Paramasiva Kailasam (T. P. Kailasam) was a prominent  play writer of Kannada Literature. He was born on 29 July, 1886 in Mysore. He was became Father of the Kannada play because of his humor. He wrote many play like,

The Fulfillment
Karna: The Brahmin’s Curse
The Burden
The Purpose etc..

About the play: 

The play purpose is based on one event from Mahabharata.  This play is deals with the less popular mythical character of Eklavya, from the Mahabharata. In this play character of Eklavya was at the center or in the Mahabharata character of Arjuna became central character so the same story T. P. kailasam re- tale with the marginalized character Ekalavya. In this play Kailasm deconstructed the image of Arjuna and made him villain and here Eklavya became the main protagonist. 

In this play T. P. Kailasm portrait the subaltern society. Protagonist of the play belong to Nishada community, this the lower community in the society. Subaltern people has not their own voice or not speak againint high power people but here we find the character of Eklavya is argued with the Arjuna. So in this play we see the class conflict very clearly.

Eklavya want to learn archery from Guru Dronacharya but Drona can’t teach him because he was bounded by vow that can no teach any other lower boy except royal boy. So after rejoice from guru Drona Eklavya maid his Guru’s statue and learn archery from them. After six years later Drona and Arjuna goes in the forest, suddenly they show a Woolf with screaming arrows in it’s skulls. Guru Drona and Arjuna both are shocked and later they known that, this was don by Eklavya. They also show the statute of Guru Drona so after seeing the the statue of Drona Arjuna insult Drona. So Drona ask his thumb as gurudakshina.  Without hesitating  Eklavya give his thumb t his Guru as Grurudakshina.

Thank you…

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