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Sunday 18 February 2018

Worksheet of Harry Potter

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Feminist reading of Harmione’s character in Harry Potter: How do the character portrayal of Harmione and other female characters support feminist discourse?

What is Feminism?

What are Gender Stereotypes?

Character of Harmione as a feminist discourse.

Leading women.



According to John Storey   “feminism…is always more than a body of academic texts and practices. It is also, and perhaps more fundamentally so, a political movement concerned with women’s oppression and the ways and means to empower women”.

gender stereotypes are “something conforming to a fixed or general pattern, a mental picture that is held in common by members of a group and that represents an oversimplified opinion or an uncritical judgment…based on a group, not an individual”

Hermione not only as a strong female character, but also a strong feminist character. Hermione fights battles differently than do the boys in the novels, she uses her reason and logic in order to solve problems.

women play a significant role in throught the Harry Potter series. Women like Lily, who secrifice for his son, Molly Weasley play significant feminist role in Harry Potter secrifice


Discourse on the purity of Blood and Harry Potter: How do the novels play with the thesis of pure blood (Master Race) giving an anti-thesis by belonging protagonists to half-blood / Mud-blood? What sort of synthesis is sought in this discourse in Harry Potter series?

Concept of pure blood.

Status of Pureblood, Half-Blood, or “Mudblood” in magical society.

The term ‘pure-blood’ refers to a family or individual without Muggle blood. This concept is generally associated with Salazar Slytherin, one of the four founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft. Pure-blood individuals are people who have no Muggles or Muggle-borns as parents or

Harry is belong to the half blood family because Harry’s mother Lily was belong to muggles blood. Lord Voldemort is also belong to the half-blood because father was a Muggle and his mother was a witch.

Many pure blood generations of magical ancestors are deny ever having any Muggles within the family because they believe in pure blood family.

Pure blood family like, Black, Gaunt, Weasley etc..


The theme of Choice and Chance: How does Harry Potter discusses the antithetical concepts of ‘choice’ and ‘chance’?

The question of choice or chance.

What all characters choose in between choise or chance?

Self – sacrifice of Herry is chance or choise?

The question of choice versus chance runs throughout the Harry Potter series. The question appears first at the end of Chamber of Secrets, when Riddle/Voldemort tells Harry that "it was merely a lucky chance that saved you".

Dumbledore subsequently tells Harry that "it is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."

All the character makes choice rather it was good or bad. The choice made in the novels are not all for the good but some time it is also for bad thing for example, Peter Pettingrew make the choice to betray his friends and thus forever casts lost with the forces of evil.

At the end of the novel Harry Potter do self secrifice.  It was his choice because he doesn’t wont to any people do secrifice of their life for him.

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