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Saturday 3 March 2018

Dr. Faustus by Christopher Marlowe

Hello reader,

         This blog is a part of my classroom activity on Dr. Faustus by Christopher Marlowe

Click here to see the worksheet of given task

(1)In the last seen of the play we see lucifer with the wide wing .It is signify that evil win aganist the god and also he confidantly show his own power is superior power .He get power from soul of Dr  Faustus .He is ruler of hell and also king of satan.

(2) Yes god is  present in the play . we find god in the form of good angel . some time we find god is not presnt and evil wins over god but at the same time god has present not phisically but in the face of good angel old man, as a chores . Fist seen open with the monologue of faustus in which he challenge the god and in last seen he repent for it .

(3) The myth of Icarus surely conected with the centeral them of the play. Icarus father daedalus macking  wings to fly . He knows limite of his wing . He suggest his son not go higher near to sun because of his wax wing . The fall of Icarus suggest the fall of Dr faustus disobey the knowlege and god .

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