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Saturday 3 March 2018

Hamlet Blog task

Hello reader,

              This bolg is a part of my classroom activity of Hamlet by Shakespear.

To show worksheet of given task click here.


(1)kenneth branagh's movie follows the plote of original play.original play and movie both are almost same but many time kenneth branagh use his vision to convinced people.for example ,The begnning of the play and ending of the play. It is not in the original play but it was added by the branagh.And also use of mirror is not in the original it was faithful to play but not that much.

(2)when we  have read the text we think that Hamlet and Gertrude are very upset for the death of king Hamletbut when we have see the movie Gertrude is very happy with the claudius after.she is not in pain .so after wathing the movie it was my perception .

(3)Yes, i feel 'Aesthetic delight while watching the movie. when hamlet talk with Ghost at that time i feel the aesthetic delight.and also talk between Hamlet and ophelia give aesthetic delight.

(4)yes i feel catharsis while watching movie. After king Hamlet died Gertrude marry with claudius at that time Hamlet not understand how he react in this situation.And also Hamlet's behaviour with ophelia is very rude .For this reason she became mad also.

(5)yes, screening of movie help in better understanding of the play because of when we have see the movie at that time we have understand all confusine in our mind and we have understand text in a better way. so movie is mor important to understand text in a better way.

(6) In this movie many scene i like most and also cherished me.The scene of ophelia's madness is one of them.When ophelia became mad in love with Hamlet and also death of his father.

(7)If i director of the movie than Hamlet's overthinking mind i change and also I change his philosophical mind . Because of his philosophical mind he delay in revange and thats why many character of the play is died. when Hamlet is not overthink regarding his father death many character sustain there life.

(8) The beginning of the movie and ending of the movie are same .When the movie start it's focus on the statue of ghost and also end of the movie with the same focus.Regarding to this scene kenneth Brangh try to  say that evil is always died.He is going to beyond the 'Hamlet' and says that it was evil power that hammere down to the dust.

(9)we find many approach while studing the play through the movie.In which we find philosophical and formalist approach more applicable to the play.we see in the movie all character are in seeing and knowing and also delayma.thats why this approaches is used  most in the play.

(10)philosophical approach appeals more than other approaches because of this approach is most important in the play 'Hamlet' philosophical mind is caused of delay in revenge.In philosophical way hamlet and claudius both are became the same.

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