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Sunday 4 March 2018

Eaaay on Dramatic Poesy by Dryden.

Respected sir,

                This blog is a part of my classroom activity on Eaaay on Dramatic Poesy by Dryden.

To show worksheet of the given task click here.

1)In the very first vedio speaker  takes about dryden is the father of english criticism,and also he is a neo classical critic .In this vedio also givan deffination of the play.Before dryden the father of english criticism is philip sideny in english tradition .Drydon is renaissance man thats why he is not exclusiv critic . Aristotlwho has give very first definition of the play.After Aristotle Drydon give the Definition of the play .After aristotle Drydon  give the definition of the play that was devided in to three was

       "A just and lively image of human life representing its passion and humours and the changes of fortune to which it is subjects."

(2) In the second vedio talks about John Dryden is the poet and critic. and also talk about his eassy "of Dramatic Poesy"also connect to phinomenon critic and poet .The age of Dyeden is come after the age of Elizabethan age .elive izabethan age is free from imagination ,romance and it  reaction .The neo -classical poet give different from elizabethan age .Sir charles sidley argue that franch drama is superior to english drama .Neander find middle point that is also not only wormly responding and consiously kind of taking the good thing out of the classical reterance but also taking the good think quitly.

(3) In the vedio three we see the definition of the play ,

          "A play ought to be a just and lively image of human nature represanting it's passion and humours and the changes of fortune to which it is  subject for the delight and in instruction of man kind."

       Eassy in "Of Dramatic Poesy " the major consen is related to the definathion of drama.To understand of definition we have keep in mind to thing ,drama and poesy both are imoportant matter .Two words DELIGHT ,and PLEASRE ,is very imortant in the definition .

(4) In the forth vedio debet bettwen critic and Eugenius's view on the suoiriority of the ancients and moderns in ''Of dramatic poesy '. Lisideius is the reprentative of the conservative .Tory and his v iew in favaour of the french play .Delaymetical content is first brought in to the pen by Eugenious.His position is not free of tension.

(5) In the vedio five contrroversy regarding use and avoidance of rhymes in Dryden's essay  "of Dramatic poesy ". Critic first says that  does not go at all with the opening part of our greed .drydens most famous play  "All for love" is not in vers . Neander says that,Adding of rhyme actualy  incrises the grandeer of the thought ,action ,matches the seriousness of the play.

(6) In the vedio six the arguments between crites and neander about the use of' Rhymed verse' and 'blank verse'In the play.Christ says rhyme is unnatural in the play . In is just not lively human nature . Literature is sensory phenomenon,natural words natural place that create natural sound which adds tone to the work " no man without premeditation speak in rhyme" Christ highlighting this matter while using blank verse or rhyme that is there.

Thank You..

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