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Sunday 4 March 2018

Preface: Wordsworth

Hello Reader's 

     This blog is a my classroom activity on Preface by wordwoth.

Click here to show worksheet of given task.

(1) In this video give brief idea about Classicism and Romanticism. They are two ideologyes and also school of thought. We may say it is all about the technique of writing certain things of the subject you choose about your work of art. It is something more than just a manner. It gives idea about the dominance of certain things in Classicism and they are believe in intellect. Neo-classicism and Romanticism both era are retained in the ruling world. Romantic poet did not believe in any kind of restrained, they believe in liberty, freedom etc...They are find three play of emotion, A) Liberty B) Equality C) Fraternity. Romanticism turn for inspiration not the classical master but to the medieval poet and writer. Pope and Dryden represent rustic life in their poetry. On the other side Wordsworth, Shelly, Keats, Coleridge they represent rustic life and also Glory of rustic life in their poetry. Romantic poetry is subjectively positive and they believe in subjectivity. Classical poet are believe in objectivity.

(2) In this video talks about What is meaning of diction and Controversial aspect of Wordsworthian poetic diction." Poetic diction means choice of word". Wordsworth when he published in lyrical ballads for the first time in 1798. He offered that has anthology as an experiment and he was attacking the Noe-classical mode of writing poetry and in the preface he mentions that, that way of writing diction was inane.That was highly unnecessarily ornamental erudite and consequently this erudition was only limited to city dwellers again the distinction between the country life. He interested in writing these poems and lyrical balled in the language as really used by man. Which means real men implying that are the people who are eroded city dwellers not real men. Wordsworth find humble and the rustic life.

(3) In this video talks about what is poet and what does poet do.
What is poet?

       According to Wordsworth" poet is a man speaking to men, endowed with more lively sensibility."

             Poet defer from other human beings in degree. Wordsworth say he had a great a knowledge of human nature through these emotion, observation heightened sensibilities he has a better knowledge of human bing, human nature and then he use a word is quite platonic. The poet is more comprehensive soul. spirit of life this is that ordinary human being. Poet is a such human being who is over all in degree a far better human being than ordinary human being.

(4) In this video talks about William Wordsworth's poetic creed and a case study Daffodils. He gave definition of poetry" spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling and emotions recollected tranquility". Romantic period is dominated by only the genre of poetry. His poem Daffodils is with four stanzas. First three stanza in past and the last stanza in presents tense. Poet recoiling a couch recollecting his nature. If we can look at and say language grammar and in the process we would be doing stanza vise the poem tracking the imagery in the poem. spontaneous happiness that he felt as if comes back makes a recently so in this sense if we track the mood of the poet.

(5)In this video talks about preface to lyrical Ballads, idealism of French Revolution. 1978 year is very important year for Lyrical ballad. Wordsworth revised it in 1800  and gave it a rename of "Preface". Romantic poets are Wordsworth, Coleridge etc ... Zenith is most successful period in Romantic poetry. So many thing were happened at that time like, church had very powerful and it had a great control over the upper society.

Thank You...


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