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Saturday 3 March 2018

Fiction and lie online Discussion

Fiction and Lie.

        Fiction is with full of lies. There are the unreliable narrators and the lies as engines of plot dissembling is a useful device for propelling a story, creating layers of awarness that rub against each other like tectonic plates. The onother meaning of fiction is creative imagination, So it is total faithfulness to the real world is not typically assumed by its audience.

Difference between lie and fiction:

      A fiction is a socially agreed upon exchange where someone tells a story and someone eles knowingly recieves the story as fiction for the perpose of entertainment. On the pther side a lie is when the teller takes advantage of the other person. In this scenario all the social cues indicate that the other person expects truth not fictions in this exchange. 

     Fiction is a lie that tells the truth. Fiction can introduce you into the lies and truth of other people’s minds. 

“Fiction is the lie through which we tell the truth.”
-         Albert Camus

“Fiction is a lie, and Good fiction is the truth inside the lie.”
-         Stephen King

            As Camus and Stephen king say that fiction is all about lie but inside of this lie some truth are always remain. 

Some example of liars in fiction.

1) Prospero, in shakespeare’s “The Tempest.” 

       The magician Prospero spins lies all around him including his repeated promise to Ariel. Indeed the play begins with lies, when Prospero finally reveals his true history to his daughter miranda who until believed that he is a simple dwelling island man. 

2) Mr. Darcy, in Pride and Predudice by Jane Austen.

        The obvious liar in Pride and Predudice is Wickhanm, but the more interestin from a plot perspective is Darcy. Because Darcy does something immensely noble which if she knew about it would make Elizabeth deeply grateful to him, but doesn’t tell her lie about it.

       After observing these both the example we can say that fiction is all about lie and some time Lie and Fiction both are goes togather.

Thank you...


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