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Friday 2 March 2018

Literature review

Literature review:

        When I have taken admission in B.A. English at that time I am not know that I am enter in the world of literature. I only know that I am studying just English language, but after entering in the third year of the graduation I know little bit about the literature. At that time I have know only one meaning of literature and that is,

“Literature is mirror of the society.”

          When I entered in department at that time one blank paper was given to me for write about what is literature. At that time I also write the same typical definition  that ‘literature is mirror of the society.’ I believe that this is the only definition for the literature and entire literature fit in this definition. But I was wrong, because I realize that literature is not only mirror of the society but it also reflect the life so in that sense literature is wast. Literature is become“an endless as the ocean, as timeless as the Tides.” After passing five years with literature my perspective about literature is totally change. It also change the perspective of the life, so I believe that literature is ‘endless journey of life’. Whatever we read it was we also feel in the real life so we can say that reflection of real life is very well reflected in literature.

        Literature changes our entire perspective of life. As Bertolt Brecht say’s that,

“Art is not a mirror to reflect reality but a hummer to shape it.”

So literature is not only mirror to reflect reality but it is also become photographic presentation of society or X-ray Image of society.Literature is became Axe which broken the frozeness within us. Here I would like to quote very famous quotation by Franz Kafka, according to him,

“A book must be the axe for the frozen sea within us.” 

There is too much crystallization within us which we can only be broken by the axe of intimate and profound reading.

          Literature has shapes my thoughts and it gave me world glance. It also gave knowledge about the world and thus we can know the culture and society of other countries. Literature  gave me broader sense of understanding of every situation of life. My narrow thought are now change and I think in broader way in whatever situation.

Literature was all about: love, sex, morality, friendship, happiness, suʃering, betrayal, adultery, good and evil, heroes and villains, guilt and innocence, ambition, power, justice, revolution, war, fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, the individual against society, success and failure, murder, suicide, death, God. And barn owls. Of course, there were other sorts of literature—theoretical, self-referential, lachrymosely autobiographical— but they were just dry wanks. Real literature was about psychological, emotional and social truth as demonstrated by the actions and rejections of its protagonists; the novel was about character developed over time.

At the last I wont to say that literature is giving value to life. It is become helpful to understand deeper sense of endless life. Through the literature we know that how to live life.

Thank you…

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